Pamir Hatice
Méditerranée orientale
Professeur à l’Université Hatay Mustafa Kemal, Directeur du département d’archéologie HMKU
• Contacter Hatice Pamir
- B.A. 1991. Department of Archaeology and Art History / Classical Archaeology Programme, Istanbul University
- M.A. 1995 “Thermae Buildings in Phrygia Region”, Advisor Prof. Dr. Haluk Abbasoğlu, Classical Archaeology Programme of Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul University
- PhD 2001 “Seleucia Pieria : Analysis of urban history of Seleucia Pieria from its foundation to the medieval time” Advisor Prof. Dr. Orhan Bingöl, Archaeology/Classical Archaeology Programme Institute of Social Sciences Ankara University
Associate Professor 2011. Classical Archaeology, Turkish Universities Council of the Council of Higher Education(UAK-YÖK)
Academic Affiliation
- Professor at Classical Archaeology Programme of Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Science and Letters,
- Head of the Department of Archaeology of Mustafa Kemal University, Faculty of Science and Letters,
- Director of The Research Center of Archaeology and Art History of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University.
Experience on Field Projects
- Director of Antioch Excavations Project , (Antakya – Hatay), 2013 –
- Field Director and scientific consultant of The Rescue Excavations in Antioch, 2010-2012.
- Director of , Epiphaneia (Erzin Hatay) Excavation Project , 2015 –
- Director of The mound of Sabuniye (Samandag-Hatay) Excavation Project. 2008-2011.
- Director of Kuseyr Plato Archaeological Survey in Antakya Altınözü, Yayladağı Region of Hatay (Settlement pattern and settlement distribution of Kuseyr Plato, from Neolithic through the late antique) , Turkey 2007 –
- Director of the Orontes Delta and Orontes Valley Archaeological Survey Project (Bronz Age through the the Late Antique Settlements) 2002 - 2006.
- Researcher, Vice Director of Amuq Valley Regional Project (directed by A. K. Yener) of the Chicago Oriental Institute, 1996-2002.
- Researcher,Archaeological survey Project of the Landscape of Lycia, Kyaneai (Kaş), 1992-1996 (Directed by F. Kolb) of Tubingen University,
- Researcher, Excavations at Hierapolis (Pamukkale- Denizli) of Italian Mission in Turkey, (Directed by Proff ssa Daria de Bernardi Ferrero), 1990-1991.
- Team Member, Vaste Excavation Project (İtaly) of Lecce University (Directed by Prof. Dr. Francesco D’Andria ) 1989.
Experience on Research Projects (Financial support from scientific institutions)
- Water supplies of Antioch on the Orontes. 2009-2010. Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Scientific Research Foundation (from now on HMKU-BAP) Project No : 03Y0101 (Project Director)
- Rock Tombs of Antioch on the Orontes 2009-2010.HMKU - BAP Project No : 03Y0102 (Project Director)
- Seleucia Pieria East Necropolis, 2007-200. HMKU - BAP Project No : 07N1201(Project Director)
- Archaeological Survey at the Orontes River Delta, Samandağ and Upper Orontes Valley 2003. HMKU - BAP Project No : 03 F 0302 (Project Director).
- Landscape Project of the Orontes Delta and Orontes River Valley, INSTAP (The Institute for Aegean Prehistory- USA), 2004.
- Visualisation, Modelling and Animation of Ancient Cities and Utilization of Real-Time Rendering Engines, 2007-2008. TUBİTAK 107K278 (Project Researcher)
- Documentation and Publication Project of the Archaeological Material from Al Mina and Sabuniye Excavations in 1936-1937 campaigns. ARIT Ilse George Hanfmann Grant 2003 (Project Director).
- Conservation and Town Planning Projects at the Archaeological and Urban Protected Areas in Antioch as well as the Republic Square and Archaeological and Historic Center and its vicinity, for Antakya Municipality, 2005.(Scientific Consultant)
- Restoration and Exhibition Project of the Titus Tunnel and Rock Tombs, for Hatay Governership, 11.05.2004. (Project Director)
Memberships to Scientific Institutions
- AIEMA (Association Internationale pour L’étude de la Mosaique Antique) 2013 -
- ICOMOS-Turkey Member, (International Council on monuments and Sites, Turkey) 2009 –
- ICOMOS-ICAHM, Member of Scientific Committe on Archaeological Heritage Management of ICOMOS 2017-
- Board Member of Hatay Cultural Heritage Regional Board of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey Republic, 2018-
Academic Research/Visiting Fellowship in International Institutions :
- DAI München, Komission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik, Visiting Scholar, January-February 2019.
- Paris 8 University Saint Dennis and AOROC ENS , Visiting Scholar, Feb - August 2014
- DAI German Archaeological Institute in Berlin, Visiting Scholar, 2006
- Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology, Visiting Scholar, 2002 - 2003
- Chicago Oriental Institute, Visiting Scholar, 2002 (1 month).
- Researcher, Study on Al Mina and Sabuniye Collection from 1930’s excavations in Institute of Archaeology of University College London, Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University, Museum of Classical Archaeology at Cambridge University and at the British Museum , 2003.
- University of London (UK), Institute of Classical Studies, Visiting Scholar, 01 Mar – 03 Jun 2000 (3 months).
- Eberhard-Karls Universitat Tuebingen (Germany), Historisches Seminar, Abteilung für Alte Geschichte, Research Scholar, 01 Mar – 31 May 1994.
Scholarships and Grants :
- Participation Grant for Congress, ICCM Foundation International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, 2017.
- TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 2219 - International Research Fellowship for Post-Docs, University of Paris VIII Saint-Dennis, Feb – Aug 2014 (7 months).
- TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 2224 – Participation Grant in International Scientific Conferences, 6th ICAANE International Congress on Archaeology of Ancient Near East, April 2008, Roma University La Sapienza.